Connect People with Brush & Ink
翰墨因緣 以書傳心

Kia Ora! I'm Oscar, a Chinese Calligraphy Artist based in New Zealand with over 20 years of experience.

I love history, dogs, discovering new things, and meeting new people. I've worked in finance, listed companies, and multinational corporations.

For me, Chinese calligraphy is an art form woven with threads of history and tradition. I find it incredibly satisfying to create something with such a deep meaning.

I truly believe that calligraphy is more than just writing. It is also about self-expression, creativity, mindfulness, and positivity.

We specialize in a unique fusion of Running(行), Cursive(草), Seal(篆), Regular(楷) & Clerical(隸) script.

Exhibition - Coffeelin, Happy Valley
《翫物養志》書法展覽 - 2022

Calligraphy Workshop - Mindful Kids豆丁日日 Cantonese,  New Zealand
書法工作坊 - 2024

Fai Chun Calligraphy Workshop - Spanish Speaking Women’s Association of Hong Kong (AMHH)
揮春書法工作坊 - 香港西班牙語婦女協會- 2023

Chinese International School (CIS) School Fair with My Music Playground
漢基國際學校嘉年華 - 2023

Hand-written Fai Chun on sale - Coffeelin, Happy Valley
現場售賣 - 手寫書法揮春 - 2023

Calligraphy Workshop - Ask For Alonzo, Happy Valley,
書法工作坊 - Ask For Alonzo 餐廳 - 2023

Fai Chun Workshop for Kids - Happy Music Academy,
兒童揮春班 - Happy Music Academy - 2023

Charity Bazaar for Shelter Dogs - The Simbaland
慈善義賣 - 幫助棄養狗狗 - The Simbaland - 2022

Commissioned Calligraphy Art piece - “Prosperous and thriving business”
受託訂製 - 書法藝術品「生意興隆」

Commissioned Calligraphy Art piece - “Tested and tried a thousand times. Being generous and open-minded ”
受託訂製 - 書法藝術品「百煉千錘 大度豁達」